Logo + Brand Development + Website + Messaging + Social Styling + Swag + Templates

The Kwek Society
End Period Poverty.
The Kwek Society is a nonprofit with a mission to address period poverty in Native American communities. Just two years old, this determined group supplies Native students and communities the period products they need to maintain their dignity and celebrate their strength and their moon times. They collaborate with schools and Native programs across North America and Canada, in rural areas, suburbs, and cities, to eliminate period poverty among Native Americans. Kwe’k” means “women” in the Potawatomi language of Eva Marie Carney, the organization founder.⠀
Together we created a bold brand and website that is focused on their mission – END PERIOD POVERTY. The message is a bold and simple call to action that needs no explanation.
What we created

Bold. Empowering. Unapologetic. Demanding. Encouraging. Informed.